​A successful placement is never because of any one thing, rather it is a collaborative effort brought about by cooperation between family, providers and an MCO. Here at PALS we work with both the family and Managed Care Organization to make sure each resident is given every opportunity for success and as much independence as possible. 

​​​Mental health diagnosis can be complicated and confusing to the uninitiated. Our experienced staff and management teams are prepared for even the most challenging of behaviors. Setting up an environment that encourages success by understanding diagnosis and playing to personal strengths is the P.A.L.S. speciality approach.

So often in an industry of good intentions and genuine concern we find professionals who have forgotten the core fact of why we do what we do. Simply stated, we care. One of our guiding principles is every person is due basic human respect, and dignity. Part of that dignity is building a sense of independence of self. We are here to help people live as independently as possible, while being there to assist (or take over) when the need presents itself. We enable full lives with frequent opportunities for both social and personal growth catered and cultivated to individual need and personal level of cognition. Our organization exists to care for people, and help them be the best and happiest they can be. This is our mission, our passion and our calling.
Understanding Diagnosis

The key to our success?  Respect the person.

​Partnership of Care

About Us

Creating an Individual Service Plan for each new resident is not only a best practice, it's the key to a successful placement. So many providers simply fill in the resident's name on a generic form and call it an ISP. PALS professional staff analyze an individual's needs and create an individual plan suited to their needs and interests.

Program for Success